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Lean Core Training


Principles of Lean

Introduction to Lean Principles

A lean facility produces just what is needed, when it is needed with no additional staff, costs or time. Waste is not easy to see, so it’s harder to find! Learn the skills necessary to apply Lean techniques to reduce waste and improve process efficiency. Gain a practical understanding of Lean continuous improvement techniques and how to reduce paperwork, errors, and processing time.

In this course participants will learn:

  • How to start the Lean journey

  • An introduction to initiatives like value stream mapping, Kaizen, standard work, continuous flow, and 5S.

  • How mistake-proofing can help your facility operate more efficiently.

Prerequisite: None.


5s & Visual Management

Visual Management is the use of visual and other sensory communication and control tools in an operation or process to reduce waste. This workshop will provide an introduction to Visual Management and present many of its practical applications such as:

  • Establishing a common communication “language” in a work area,

  • Providing “at a glance” management of work area,

  • Facilitating teamwork, dignity and self-esteem,

  • Focusing the workgroup on:

    • Urgent and important problems

    • Goals and Objectives

    • Continuous Improvement

    • Providing tools for the elimination of waste

5S is a technique that results in a workplace that is clean, uncluttered, safe and well organized. The 5S pillars, Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain, provide a methodology for organizing, cleaning, developing, and sustaining a productive work environment.

A 5S environment has “a place for everything and everything in its place,” with all office tools and materials ready where and when they are needed. Learn how 5S can help reduce waste and optimize productivity in any work environment.

Participants will also be able to discuss the main purpose of each “S” as well as any tool or methods used in each “S”. © The Quality Group.

Prerequisite: None.


Process Mapping

Value Stream Mapping

All products, whether they be tangible goods – or services- or information, have Inputs, a Transformational Process, and Outputs.  Along the Transformational Process are “value added” and “non-value” added activities. The value stream consists of all the activities required to generate a product or service from start to finish.

In this workshop, we will learn to map the value stream and use the tool to create improvements, reduce inefficiencies, and reduce the cost of the value stream.  Often this is referred to as reducing wastes.

Process Mapping is a paper and pencil tool that helps you to see and understand the flow of material and information as a product or service makes its way through the value stream. Participants will learn the techniques associated with developing graphical value stream maps (current and future state).

Prerequisite: None.


Quick & Easy Kaizen

Kaizen – “Kai” to change “Zen” for the good Kaizen is a Japanese term for continuous improvement based on principles of doing things better and achieving higher standards. It is a process or methodology to do continuous incremental improvements that create more value with less waste. Continuous Improvement can often be done quickly and routinely to improve a workflow and value stream processes. This, in turn, creates reduced costs, improved performance, and superior competitiveness in the global marketplace. It embraces the philosophy that we are all problem solvers.

This Introduction to Quick and Easy Kaizen will touch upon:

  • The Achievable Kaizen Process

  • Defining the Present State

  • Scoping a Continuous Improvement Opportunity (problem/issue) that could be easily addressed

  • The value of data gathering and analysis

  • Going to the Next Steps; Successful Models and Planning a Kaizen for your Enterprise

  • Creating the Future State Definition

  • Conducting a Kaizen Event

Prerequisite: None.


Standard Work

This Standard Work workshop will touch upon:

  • Overview of what Standard Work is

  • How does it help and the benefits?

  • How do you implement it?

Prerequisite: None

To learn more about EVLA, please contact:

c/o Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 1107     
Eugene, OR 97440-1107
TEL: (541) 484-1314


© 2025 · EVLA

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